CENO new product Bi-fold Miniature slip ring capsule which is designed and applied to the lamp showi
BHCN-C-04P is a high current slip ring with 4 circuits of 500A in CENO electrical company, we usually name is carbon bru
CENO new customized large size Central collector, which is often called High current slip ring, larg
CENO Electronics is a leading designer and manufacture of slip rings, including many kinds of slip
Slip ring is a general name for slip ring assembly which contains some combination of power, electrical signals, data, liquid
Slip rings are used in electromechanical applications for transmitting power, electrical signals and data through a 360
Pancake slip ring is as another form of though hole slip rings.CENO‘s pancake slip rings are designed for some equipment
We called through hole slip ring also as hollow shaft slip ring,CENO can design this type with hole size from 3mm t
CENO's carbon Brush slip ring is also named as large current collector or high power slip ring, which could transmit the