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Working principle and application of pneumatic hydraulic slip ring

Time: 05, 03 2025 Views: 1

CENO has recently received a lot of demand for integrate power signal and pneumatic / hydraulic slip rings. We are making a series of introductions about the details of gas-liquid slip rings.


First, let’s understand the working principle and application direction of gas-liquid slip rings.


The basic function of gas-liquid slip rings is that they are mainly used to transmit gas, liquid, power and signals, while allowing equipment to rotate and avoid pipeline entanglement. Common application fields, such as wind power generation, industrial machinery, medical equipment, aerospace, petrochemical industry, robots, ships and military equipment, etc.


Some key components in the above equipment will encounter situations that require continuous rotation and uninterrupted transmission of information data and gas/liquid, and pneumatic hydraulic slip rings can solve this problem. For example, in wind power generation, gas-liquid slip rings are used to transmit hydraulic oil and coolant to ensure that the turbine can rotate in the direction of the wind while maintaining stable operation of the system.


When it comes to the space size, service life and working environment of the equipment used, it is necessary to check the relevant information with the customer at the beginning of the product design to ensure that the dimensions of the designed gas-liquid slip ring, and the selected materials can meet the requirements of the application equipment.


With the advancement of science and technology and the development of society, CENO slip rings are increasingly used in more important fields, such as collaborative robots or automated production lines in the field of robotics, dynamic positioning systems in ships, and radar and turret systems in the military.


CENO continues to improve its technology level and provide more solutions while constantly working with customers and meeting customer needs. 


For more information about how CENO slip rings can fit your special application, please contact us.



